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Sponsoring and Newsletter

If you want to support our association with a donation, we gladly accept it via the following account.

If you send us your email address via, we will send you our quarterly newsletters from Nepal.

You are welcome to sponsor a child of the Antyodaya School. With an amount of 50.- CHF per month you secure food, clothing, medical care, accommodation and education for the beneficiaries.

In this case, please fill out the following form. We will then provide you with the personal data of the child you are supporting.

Sponsoring account

PC-Konto 89-754784-8 (MedInCharge) 
IBAN CH 48 0900 0000 8975 4784 8

Personal Sponsorhips

* Please fill out all required fields.

I engage for sponsorship for a child of the Antyodaya Chepang School in Nepal and transfer 50 CHF per month to the account IBAN CH 48 0900 0000 8975 4784 8 of the association MedInCharge. I can withdraw from this obligation at any time by simply informing MedInCharge. MedInCharge will inform me of the name of the child who is a beneficiary of MedInCharge.

PC-Konto 89-754784-8 (MedInCharge) 
IBAN CH 48 0900 0000 8975 4784 8
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Board MedInCharge

Christine Bacchetto (President)
Anja Bacchetto (Vice President)
 Fredi Bacchetto (Project Manager)
Tobias Bacchetto (Tresurer)


* Please fill out all required fields.

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